1. The ratio of height of porter governor (when length of arms and links are equal) to the height of watt governor is (Where m is the mass of the ball and M is the mass of sleeve)
a. (m+M)/m b. M/(m+M)
c. m/(m+M) d. None of the above
2. A governor is said to be isochronous when equilibrium speed of all radii of rotation of the balls with in the working range
a. Is constant b. Varies uniformly
c. Is not constant c. None of the above
3. A Hartnell governor is a governor of the
a. inertia type
b. pendulum type
c. spring controlled type
d. dead weight type
4. Which one of the following is a Dead weight type governor?
a. Porter Governor
b. Hartnell Governor c. Wilson-Hartnell Governor d. Hartung Governor
5. Height of a Governor is distance measured from
a. the centre of two balls mass
b. the centre of balls mass to the point of intersection of upper arms
c. the centre of balls mass to the point of intersection of lower links
d. the point of intersection of upper arms to the point of intersection of lower links
6. Which of the following is pendulum type of Governor?
a. Watt Governor
b. Proell Governor
c. Porter Governor
d. Hartnell Governor
7. Which of the following Governor is not suitable for High speeds
a. Watt Governor
b. Hartnell Governor
c. Wilson-Hartnell Governor The ratio of height of porter governor (when length of arms and links are equal) to the height of watt governor is (Where m is the mass of the ball and M is the mass of sleeve)
a. (m+M)/m b. M/(m+M)
c. m/(m+M) d. None of the above
2. A governor is said to be isochronous when equilibrium speed of all radii of rotation of the balls with in the working range
a. Is constant b. Varies uniformly
c. Is not constant c. None of the above
3. A Hartnell governor is a governor of the
a. inertia type b. pendulum type
c. spring controlled type d. dead weight type
4. Which one of the following is a Dead weight type governor?
a. Porter Governor b. Hartnell Governor c. Wilson-Hartnell Governor d. Hartung Governor
5. Height of a Governor is distance measured from
a. the centre of two balls mass
b. the centre of balls mass to the point of intersection of upper arms
c. the centre of balls mass to the point of intersection of lower links
d. the point of intersection of upper arms to the point of intersection of lower links
6. Which of the following is pendulum type of Governor?
a. Watt Governor b. Proell Governor c. Porter Governor d. Hartnell Governor
7. Which of the following Governor is not suitable for High speeds
a. Watt Governor b. Hartnell Governor c. Wilson-Hartnell Governor d. Hartung Governor
9. Which of the following Governor can never be isochronous?
a. Watt Governor
b. Proell Governor
c. Porter Governor
d. Hartnell Governor
8. The sensitiveness of a Governor is
a. (N2+N1)/N
b. (N2-N1)/N
c. (N2+N1) x N
d. N/(N2-N1)
Where N1=Minimum equilibrium speed
N2=Maximum equilibrium speed
N=Mean speed
9. Which of the following Governor can never be isochronous?
a. Watt Governor
b. Proell Governor
c. Porter Governor
d. Hartnell Governor